SRP Annual Review 2022/23 | Page 4

One of the key Commitments in the Delivery Plan will be to increase the membership of the Society in numbers and diversity , and to increase the numbers of those achieving recognition as TechRadP , IRadP and CRadP . I am proud to say that it was one of my colleagues here at Dorset County Hospital who became the first to achieve TechRadP status .
Another key Commitment in terms of supporting our members in their profession will be by developing further guidance on a range of subjects , including those suggested by members in response to the questionnaire on the Strategic Plan . We will also continue to embrace the new ways of working , running events face to face , virtually or as a hybrid , for members at all grades and all stages of their careers , to maximise their opportunities for Continuing Professional Development .
One recent event that was particularly successful was the first Workshop run on the requirements of the new IRR17 Consents Process , attending by more than 170 delegates from across the sectors , and supported by talks and discussions led by HSE and ONR Regulatory Inspectors . There were key discussions and clarifications on aspects of the implementation of the new process , and it was also apparent from the event that there will be a need to run more of these over the next 12-18 months .
Our webinar programme run jointly with AURPO has continued to go from strength to strength , delivering a further range of useful topics for members and non-members alike . As an update , we have run 27 webinars to date , with an average of over 280 attendees per webinar about 60 % of which were members of either SRP or AURPO and the remaining 40 % coming from non-members within the UK and internationally . SRP and AURPO continue to provide these free of charge to maximise their impact for the good of our profession , and as part of our outreach programme . Another success has been the ongoing popularity of Radiation Protection Today which continues to be published twice yearly . The fifth issue is currently at the editorial stage and will be ready to be sent out to members in June . SRP will also continue to look for opportunities to engage with schools and colleges through outreach and careers events such as Big Bang Fair that are now being run again post-Covid , and we will be involved in as many of these as possible .
One key matter to be resolved before the Annual Conference and AGM this year was to find a new Patron to replace The Lord Carlile of Berriew who announced at last year ' s conference that he would be stepping down after two three-year terms . The Trustees considered what the key requirements for our Patron should be and we searched for someone to meet those criteria . I am pleased to say that we have found our new Patron and that they will be announced to the membership at the Conference in Aberdeen .
Finally , I would again like to emphasise the wonderful experience I have had working with my predecessor Pete Bryant , with my successor Jennifer , with our colleagues at Harris Associates , and with all those members who get involved by volunteering on committees and working groups . I would personally like to thank them for their ongoing commitment and support to SRP . I would also encourage any member to think about getting involved in supporting the Society in making sure our profession is recognised for the work it does in ensuring the safety of workers and the public from the uses of ionising and non-ionising radiations .
Jim Thurston
Jim Thurston CRadP FSRP president @ srp-uk . org
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