Sprout 1 | Page 21

t Nowadays it’s much less pressure keeping up with my close friends because when we are all spending time together, we just sit around on our phones texting other people or looking up funny pictures. And those few times when I’m socially obligated to talk about something going on with them? Well I certainly don’t have to remember what it is; I can just go onto Facebook on my phone and see what they’ve been posting about recently. That way I’ll get to seem like I care about what’s going on in their lives without putting out any real effort.

I guess I’m just lucky that I was born in a time when people can barely remember the days when not everyone had cell phones. I don’t know how I would have handled the responsibility of real interaction with my friends and family. I think about the future and am brimming with excitement at what new technologies may come out that will free me from being bogged down by the here and now. I dream of a future where we no longer have to go outside or talk to people directly for anything, where we can hook our minds up to computers and access the internet with just our brains and no other interface. We would never have to worry about what was going on with our loved ones since we could have constant communication with them and once we embrace the digital age fully we would no longer need to go to a physical work place each day. We could just email all of our work to our supervisors and instead of meeting in the conference room we would just log into Skype and get the same results. Think of all we could accomplish if we could shed our physical selves and exist on the digital plane!hysical work place each day. We could just email all of our work to our supervisors and instead of meeting in the conference room we would just log into Skype and get the same results. Think of all we could accomplish if we could shed our physical selves and exist on the digital plane!

"Can you hear me now?"

pg. 20