Sprout 1 | Page 20

The Sprout

Constant communication. That’s the beauty of the 21st century and with it the advent of cellular phones. I can reach anyone that I need to with just a simple call or text and no longer have to be bothered by actually visiting my friends and family in the flesh. Don’t get me wrong, I love my friends and family; but why should I limit myself to talking to one person or group at a time?

Staying Connected

Whenever those times come up where I find myself having to be somewhere, like a family dinner or a lecture, I’m always glad that I have my phone with me. I can still get credit for showing up to these occasions but I know that I’ll be able to avoid actually experiencing them because I’ll really be texting my friends to see if they want to go grab some drinks later or checking if my date for Saturday is still on. Even hanging out with my friends has become easier since we all got smart phones. I think back on when we used to talk face-to-face about things going on in our lives and shudder. Why, just last week my friends and I went out to dinner and the unthinkable happened ... my phone battery died before the end of the meal! I was distraught, thinking that the time had finally come where I would have to utilize those skills I learned in speech class, but thankfully my nightmare was averted. My friend had her iPad Mini in her purse and the restaurant had free WIFI so I was able to get online and tweet about my delicious meal and the good time I was having.

Whenever those times come up where I find myself having to be somewhere, like a family dinner or a lecture, I’m always glad that I have my phone with me. I can still get credit for showing up to these occasions but I know that I’ll be able to avoid actually experiencing them because I’ll really be texting my friends to see if they want to go grab some drinks later or checking if my date for Saturday is still on. Even hanging out with my friends has become easier since we all got smart phones. I think back on when we used to talk face-to-face about things going on in our lives and shudder. Why, just last week my friends and I went out to dinner and the unthinkable happened ... my phone battery died before the end of the meal! I was distraught, thinking that the time had finally come where I would have to utilize those skills I learned in speech class, but thankfully my nightmare was averted. My friend had her iPad Mini in her purse and the restaurant had free WIFI so I was able to get online and tweet about my delicious meal and the good time I was having.

By Dave Goodman
