A product for
Facial Moisturizer For Dry/Combination Skin
Many moisturizers can be heavy on the skin, which can
make any hot summer day a pain. This summer, try a
gel formula. It's lightweight, hydrating, and cooling. I
recommend The Body Shop's Vitamin E Gel
Moisturizer. It's perfect for the summer months, and
when winter rolls around, you can switch to the cream
formula. Retails for $20.00
Facial Moisturizer For Oily Skin
The summer heat and oily skin can make for
a disastrous combination. Not only is it
uncomfortable, but the streaks in your
foundation are unsightly at best. One way
to combat this is to start off with an oil-free
moisturizer. I recommend this Target Up &
Up brand oil-free moisturizer. It’s oil-free,
but unlike other oil-free moisturizers that
leave a chalky residue, this moisturizer gives
you a dewy glow. Retails for $6.99.
Pedicure Perfect
Yay, spring has arrived, but are your feet
sandal ready? Peel back those socks, and
your feet will scream a resounding, “No!”.
But not to fear, The Body Shop has an
amazing peppermint foot scrub that will
wash all of that dead skin away and leave
your feet looking anew. Use this now,
and your nail tech will thank you for it
later. Finish the look off with the
matching foot cream and spray. Retails
for $16.00.
Youthful Skin
Bring the youth back into
your skin by using
almond oil. Almond oil
contains Vitamin A which
produces new skin cells
and gets rid of fine lines. I
use the NOW Foods
Sweet Almond oil. Retails
for $5.00.