After college, she would ultimately like to return to Kansas City to pursue her health care career as a nuclear medicine technician. If possible, she would like to find time to travel and explore the world, but will always find a way to return home to Kansas City. However, the future's not set in stone, and thinking about it can be a little overwhelming, so her current plan is to graduate college and then maybe she will figure it out from there.
Maggie Zheng is a sophomore pursuing an Economics BBA at the University of Minnesota Duluth and she is originally from Edina, MN. Currently, she serves as the Secretary for the Asian Pacific American Association on campus. She works with six other board members to plan out meetings and events for her general members.
There were a lot of reasons why she decided to get involved but the main one would be because of her passion for the student organization. She loves that APAA has become a welcoming home for so many members and that incoming college students are able to create bonds and friendships
with other students through APAA. Also knowing that future students will have a place where they can be themselves and be around people they are comfortable with is why she decided to get involved with this club. For APAA, she is currently working on a project called "The Power of Your Story". Through this project, she wants to show her members that everyone has a unique story and voice, and that story is what makes us, us. Through this, she also wants members to be able to own and be proud of their stories because she believes that once you are able to do that, you will find power within your story. This project is still in the works but she hopes that once it's done, she will be able to find a platform to publish it where the project will be able to reach other UMD students.
She has no idea what she wants to do after college, except to find a stable job in the business field. A few years after graduation, she plasn to go back to school to get her MBA. A fun fact about Maggie is that she can finish a whole pint of chocolate ice cream in one sitting!