Age 50 + Adult Programs
Grief Support Group
First & Third Tuesday , 10-11:30am A safe place for you to share openly in an informal setting about the loss of your loved one with others who are experiencing similar grief . No appointment necessary .
First & Third Monday , 9am-12pm
Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program ( HICAP ) is offered through the Council on Aging-Southern California . HICAP offers free unbiased and individualized counseling on Medicare , Medicare Policies , and other related health insurance topics . Please call ( 949 ) 425-5151 to make an appointment .
Legal Aid - Second Thursday , 9-12pm The Legal Aid Society offers FREE legal advice to seniors ( must be at least 60 years of age or older ). Please call ( 949 ) 425-5151 to make an appointment
Lunch at Sea Country Center
Hot lunches are available Monday-Friday at 11:45am . Reservations are required . A suggested donation of $ 5.50 is requested for seniors ages 60 +. For more information , call our on-site Nutrition Coordinator at ( 949 ) 362-2807 . ( Provided by Age Well Senior Services .)
Meals on Wheels
For those who qualify , home delivered meals are available through Age Well Senior Services . Monday-Friday , volunteers deliver meals to those who are unable to come to the center . For more information , call ( 949 ) 362-2807 .
Laguna Niguel Senior Club
The Laguna Niguel Senior Club is a non-profit organization that operates independently from the City ' s Sea Country Center . Activities sponsored by the Senior Club are open to all seniors who visit the Center . The Senior Club publishes a monthly newsletter which features entertainment and lunch provided by AgeWell Nutrition Program . Membership is $ 25 for singles ; $ 45 for couples or 2 people at the same address . Membership is not required to enjoy Club-sponsored activities offered at Sea Country , but members may receive discounts . The City provides the Senior Club with an office in the Center which is open Monday , Wednesday , and Friday from 10am-2pm . For more information , please call the Senior Club at ( 949 ) 362-2937 .
Senior Wheels
Senior Wheels , our new and improved mobility program , is a great way for our older adult population to navigate the city and get to their appointments with ease . Currently , participants are allowed to travel to any location within the city limits of Laguna Niguel , making it a great way to stay socially active and plugged into the community . This program is open to Laguna Niguel residents , ages 60 and older and provides curb-to-curb services on-demand from 9:00am-4:00pm , Monday through Friday , including some holidays . Visit Sea Country Senior and Community Center for an application today !
Saddleback College Emeritus Classes
Founded in 1976 , the Saddleback College Emeritus Institute was established to create lifelong learning opportunities primarily for the older adult . A dynamic array of high-quality , academic classes are available in over 30 disciplines , taught by expert instructors . Classes are offered at a variety of locations throughout the community on a non-credit , tuition-free basis . For more information : saddleback . edu / emeritus or call the Emeritus Institute at ( 949 ) 582-4835 .
Saddleback Emeritus-Spring Schedule
EHEA 501 |
Improving Investments |
M |
1-2:50pm |
EHEA 529 |
Focused Movement ( Tai Chi ) |
Th |
1-2:50pm |
EHEA 500 |
Cardio Health ( Aerobics ) |
Tu , Th |
9:10-10:00am |
Emeritus Spring Semester Dates : January 16 to May 22
* No class : Feb 19 , Feb 20 , Feb 29 , Mar 4 , Mar 5 , Mar 18 , Mar 19 , Mar 21
Swing by Sea Country Senior and Community Center to pick up a copy of the latest Sea Country Dive Activity Guide for a complete list of activities , classes and events for adults 50 +. Weekly activities include active and table games such as table tennis , billiards , Wii Bowling , bridge , Pinochle , mahjong , Scrabble and many more !
SEA COUNTRY CENTER ( 949 ) 425-5151 ONLINE REGISTRATION : CityofLagunaNiguel . org / Registration | REGISTRATION FORM : Page 32