Spring 2022 | Page 4

Reentry Success : Demetrius Harris

Addressing nutritional deficiency with DeKalb Families

The Dekalb DCS office collected over 15,000 cans of non-perishable food as our community service project for the month of February .
The items were distributed to the food pantries at Berean Christian Church , Soaring High Eagle Ministries , and YC Divine Purpose Ministries . All of which are located in DeKalb County . The collection has been so successful that the DeKalb DCS office will start their own food pantry . This is especially beneficial to newly released and homeless supervisees .
Demetrius Harris is putting in the hard work to change the trajectory of his life ! He was released over a year ago without a housing plan . Through the DCS Reentry Services Housing Unit he was provided Reentry Partnership Housing for six months . This helped Demetrius stabilize his life and plan for the future . He then secured health insurance through the Affordable Care Act which provided healthcare at no cost for a year . He enrolled in the SNAP program which in addition to providing food assistance connected him to employment opportunities . Demetrius found a job ; employment has helped him to build self-esteem . He now has confidence that he can care for himself and build toward a brighter future . He has had 1 year of retention during which no other crimes were committed . His goal is to continue soaring . Demetrius is currently working two jobs and makes $ 21.00 per hour . He has a wonderful young lady in his life who supports him and his goals . Ultimately , Demetrius would like to be a homeowner and is committed to working hard toward that goal .

How can I help ?

Share this newsletter with everyone you know !
Attend a DeKalb Faith Network Meeting . We meet next June 7th at 11 am . You can join us online at : https :// meet . google . com / vaz-ukja-jkj .
Be in touch ! To learn more about the DeKalb Reentry Network or to submit information about an upcoming event or resources , please e-mail DeKalbFaithNetwork @ gmail . com .

Wish list for newly released individuals :

Hygiene Kits in gallon-size ziploc or nylon bags ( male / female ) Socks , gloves , hats Clothing vouchers MARTA & Gas Cards Non-perishable food items in gallon-size bags
For more information , please contact Sharon L . Almon , DeKalb DCS Community Coordinator , at sharon . almon @ dcs . ga . gov or 404-556-3969 .