By Karliegh P .
Just like last year , Alpha Omega Academy has had to once again move the seniors ' graduation ceremony online . The ceremonies , which are usually held in May or June , will be moved online due to restrictions caused by the pandemic .
For the 2021 virtual graduation ceremony , the ceremonies will be held May 20 and 21 . Watch your email for a link to the ceremonies . Graduating students who need more information can contact the school at ( 800 ) 682-7396 .
Do you lik e to read for fun ?
Consider joining t he 7t h-12t h grade St udent Book Club . We m eet on Fridays at 12 CT and our sponsor is Mrs . Blind .
If you are int erest ed in joining t he club , please em ail Mrs . Blind at Krist in . Blind @ aoacadem y . com .