Spreading the Gospel? Remember to Be Healthy! Dec. 2013 | Page 12

Take My Own Life

A poem about warning signs of suicide and ways to help someone who was thinking about suicide to live

I want to take my own life

I cannot handle all that is going on

Someday this pain will end

In the mean time

Eat excessively and sleep late

Fail all my tests and quizzes

Disobey my parents and teachers

Fight anybody who frustrates me

Wear the ugliest clothes

Complain about every ache in my body

Withdraw from any hangouts with family and friends

I wish somebody could help me

Take me seriously

Listen to me, actually listen

Tell me there are people who want to help

Tell me you can help me

Then my pain might stop

Then I will know someone actually cares

Those “messengers of God”

I’ve heard about their God

They said He can help

Maybe they can tell me how this ‘God’ can help

And let God take my life instead

To make it useful

And heal the wounds

Then I will not have to take my own life