SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 76

Sl .
Amount ( Rs . Cr )
Conversion factors
5 6
B2B sales
50 %
Estimated at 50 % of total sales
of domestically manufactured
Output tax base of B2B sales 8,145.12 80 %
Input tax base ( of which )
63.28 %
Input base estimated at 63.28 %
of sales of domestically
manufactured units
- Goods ( current inputs - non-DTP / NB ) 1,597.81 12.40 % I / O matrix 2007-08 - Goods ( current inputs - DTP / NB ) 8,182.34 63.50 % I / O matrix 2007-08 - Goods ( capital inputs - machinery ) 1,017.96
7.90 % - Services 1,468.96 11.40 %
I / O matrix 2007-08
7 8
- Services 327.29 12.50 % Estimated output tax 2,036.28 12.50 % Estimated input tax ( of which ) 1,555.42
CENVAT rate assumed @ 12.5 % for both inputs and output
- Excise duty ( current inputs - non DTP / NB ) 199.73 - Excise duty ( current inputs - DTP / NB ) 1,022.79
12.50 % 12.50 %
- Excise duty ( capital inputs ) 127.25 12.50 % - Service tax 205.65
14.00 %
9 Net output tax on manufacturer 480.86
Difference between output and input taxes
10 Tax revenues collected by the government ( Current tax on domestic output + current tax on imports )
11 Estimated output tax at concessional rate for manufacturer
325.80 2 %
12 Tax revenues collected by the government under concessional rate ( Output tax at concessional rate + input taxes excl . input tax on DTP / NB inputs - output tax @ 2 % on B2B sales )
695.53 CENVAT rate assumed @ 12.5 % for both inputs and output
Revenue impact for government ( 12-10 )
Data source : Market size estimated by ITOPS 2015 study , MAIT / IMRB
Revenue impact of import substitution of key components in manufacture of PCs
The revenue impact of extension of the differential duty regime
In fact , there would be a modest reduction in the revenue cost
for PCs to some of the key components , such as populated
for the government , due to an increase in revenues generated
PCBs and SMPS , which constitute approx . 13 % -15% of the
from domestically manufactured components , as estimated in
total cost of a PC , would not be significant for the government .
the example below :
Differential duty regime of 2 % for PCs manufactured in India , with complete excise duty exemption for all components ; ( 12.5 % - 2 %) – 0 % input tax credit Note :
Net gain to PC manufacturer
10.5 %
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 76