SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 55

ESDM & FDI QUERIES involvement of the constituents units in the EMC . Q . 34 How to get land for Greenfield EMC ?
The land for EMC or the project may be acquired by the applicant through one of the following modes :
n Outright purchase or long lease from private parties
n Sale ( outright or conditional ), or long lease of land by central or state or local government or its agency
n Centre or state or local government or its agency participating as equity partner in the SPV wherein the cost of land is provided as its share .
Q . 35 Does national manufacturing policy applies to EMC ?
Yes , national manufacturing policy shall be applicable to Greenfield EMC which would fall within the NIMZs . A collection of EMCs , geographically outside the proposed NIMZs may be treated as a single virtual NIMZ for governance purposes .
Q . 36 What are the dates for applicability of EMC scheme ?
The scheme will be open for applications for 5 years from the date of notification ( November 07 , 2012 ) further period of 5 years shall be available for disbursement of funds to approved applicants . The applications received under the scheme will be appraised on an ongoing basis .
Note :
The details of electronic manufacturing cluster scheme can be seen from the following link-
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / Scan _ EMC- Notification-Gazette . pdf )
The detailed guidelines for electronic manufacturing clusters can be seen from the following link-
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / EMC- Guidlines _ Final . pdf )
The benefits of SEZ are not applicable to unit operating in EMC unless and until EMC is classified as SEZ .
Section VI

Taxation Aspects

Q . 37 What are various forms of taxation in India ? etc .
Indirect taxes :
Most of the taxes are cenvatable that is it can be squared
Indirect taxes are of the following types :
off against paid taxes .
1 ) Customs duty : Payable on imports into India
Government of India is actively considering Goods &
2 ) Excise duty : Payable on manufacturing in India
3 ) Service Tax : Payable on rendering of services
4 ) Central sales tax / value added tax : Tax on value addition at each level of the distribution network . Tax levied interstate is known
as Central Sales Tax .
Services Tax which will subsume several of above indirect taxes .
India is signatory to ITA-1 which provides for ZERO duty rates on import of specified items . The ITA-1 agreement can be seen from the following link- http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / Information
5 ) R & D cess : It is a cess on all payments made by an industrial
% 20Technology % 20Agreement % 20 ( 1996 )% 20 ( 54 % 20KB ).
concern for imported technology .
pdf )
6 ) Other indirect taxes include : Stamp duty , octroi , property tax
Electronics & IT Industry : Indirect Taxes S . No . Type of Tax Company BO / LO / PO
1 . Excise Duties-Levied on manufacture of goods in India . However , may be recovered by vendors for procurements .
Peak Rate is 12.36 % Peak Rate is 12.36 %
2 . Service Tax Peak Rate is 12.36 % Peak Rate is 12.36 %
3 . Import Duties / Customs Duty ( India is signatory to ITA-1 which provides for ZERO basic custom duty rate on import of specified items )
The peak rate of basic custom duty is 10 % ( this rate can vary depending upon the item specification ).
The above rate is basic rate of duty which is further increased by countervailing duty ( 12 %), additional CVD ( 4 %), and education cess @ 3 % of taxes ) etc .
General peak effective rate – 28.8 %
Imports of specified capital goods is allowed at zero basic custom duty rate
Import of certain input items used in manufacturing of electronic items under ITA-1 are allowed at ZERO basic custom duty rate
The peak rate of basic custom duty is 10 % ( this rate can vary depending upon the item specification ).
The above rate is basic rate of duty which is further increased by countervailing duty ( 12 %), additional CVD ( 4 %), and education cess @ 3 % of taxes ) etc .
General peak effective rate – 28.8 %
Imports of specified capital goods is allowed at zero basic custom duty rate
Import of certain input items used in manufacturing of electronic items under ITA-1 are allowed at ZERO basic custom duty rate
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 55