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development , operation and maintenance of SEZ units .
A ) Brownfield electronic manufacturing clusters are those
( Raw materials , capital goods , consumables , components
existing areas which are notified by DeitY . For a unit to be
& spares for authorized operations )
eligible for Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme ( M-
100 % income tax exemption on export income SEZ units
SIPS ) it should be located within the brownfield EMC . DeitY
under Section 10AA of the Income Tax Act for the first 5
notifies brownfield EMC considering geographical area ,
years , 50 % for the next 5 years thereafter and 50 % of the
infrastructure availability etc . So it is possible to notify new
ploughed-back export profit for the following 5 years .
brownfield EMC if it is already not notified .
Exemption from Central Sales Tax , exemption from service
B ) The brownfield EMC ’ s already notified can be seen from the
tax . Exemption from state sales tax and other levies as
following link- ( http :// deity . gov . in / esdm ). The focus is on
extended by the respective state governments .
upgrading infrastructure and providing common facilities
Single-window clearance for central and state level
for ESDM units .
approvals . It should , however , be noted that a minimum
C ) Greenfield electronic manufacturing clusters are new
alternate tax @ 18.5 % and DDT are applicable in case of
industrial areas which are being promoted for attracting
units operating in SEZs and other export-oriented parks .
investments in electronics . The list of zones thus far
Q . 27 What are Export Oriented Units ( EOU ’ s ), Export Technology
Hardware Parks ( ETHP ) & Software Technology Parks ( STP ’ s )? n
Units can be set up as an Export Oriented Unit or in Export
Technology Hardware Park or Software Technology Park .
Units undertaking exports of their entire production of
approved by DeitY can be seen from the following link-
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / EMC _ Apprai sal . pdf )
The list of nodal officer to be contacted for EMC can be seen from the following linkgoods
and services , except permissible sales in DTA , may
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / Nodal-
be set up as an EOU / EHTP or STP
officer _ EMC . pdf )
Income tax holiday of 10 years for the competing policies
Q . 30 What is the mode of implementing the scheme of EMCs ?
like STPI / EHTP / BTP etc are already over . ( Ended on 31
The scheme is implemented through the special purpose
March 2011 ).
vehicle ( SPV ) which will carry out the business of developing ,
Rest of the incentives is similar to those available for SEZ
operating and maintaining the infrastructure , amenities and
units given in Q . 26 above .
other common facilities created in EMCs .
Q . 28 What is national manufacturing policy and national investment
Q . 31 Who will be the chief promoter ?
and manufacturing zones ( NIMZs )?
Chief promoter for the purpose of the scheme is a legal entity
The National manufacturing policy , approved on October 25 ,
which initiates the proposal for a project in a brownfield or
2011 , is the first of its kind for the manufacturing sector as it
greenfield EMC and takes such steps as are necessary for
tries to address some critical constraints for Indian
getting the project approved under the scheme , getting the
manufacturing sector in the area of regulations , infrastructure ,
SPV formed and entrusting the project to an SPV in
skill development , technology , availability of finance , exit
accordance with the scheme and guidelines . A chief promoter
mechanism etc . The policy envisages the creation of National
may be an individual , registered company or society , industry
Investment and Manufacturing Zones ( NIMZs ). NIMZs will be
association , financial institution , R & D institution , state or local
large areas ( minimum 5000 hectares ) of developed land , with
government or their agencies or unit / units within an EMC .
requisite eco-system for promoting world class manufacturing
Q . 32 What are the financial assistance provided for EMC ’ s ?
activity . NIMZ will be a self-governing and autonomous body .
Brownfield EMC : The assistance will be restricted to 75 % of
There will not be any fiscal incentives like available for SEZs
project cost subject to ceiling of INR 0.5 Billion . The remaining
but some of the incentives include :
project cost shall be financed by other stakeholders of the
Relief from capital gains tax on sale of plant and machinery
EMC with a minimum industry contribution of 15 % of the
of a unit located in NIMZ will be granted in case of reinvestment
project cost .
of sale consideration within a period of 3 years
Greenfield EMC : The assistance will be restricted to 50 % of the
for purchase of new plant and machinery in any other unit
project cost subject to ceiling of INR 0.5 Billion for every 100
located in the same NIMZ or another NIMZ
acres of land . The remaining project cost shall be financed by
The transfer of assets belonging to a firm which has been
other stakeholders of EMC with a minimum industry
declared sick will be facilitated by the SPV of the
contribution of 25 % of the project cost .
concerned NIMZ
The administrative expenses would be restricted to 3 % of the
The policy provides for specific incentives for technology
central assistance in the project . Expenses towards preparation
development and there is a special focus on green / clean
of detailed project report would also be considered a part of
technology .
project cost .
Special focus on skills development
Q . 33 What is the land ownership in EMC ?
Special benefits / measures for SMEs in national
The scheme supports any of the following different models of
manufacturing policy .
land ownership for an EMC :
The details can be seen from the following link-
The land for the EMC & Project is owned by the applicant .
http :// dipp . nic . in / English / Policies / National _ Manufacturing
The land for the project is owned by the applicant but
_ Policy _ 25October2011 . pdf )
remaining land is not owned by the applicant . In such
Q . 29 What are Electronic Manufacturing Clusters ?
cases , it is for the applicant to demonstrate his ability to
Electronic Manufacturing Clusters : There are two types of EMC ’ s :
meet the terms of scheme and guidelines with the
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