SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 48

AD category-I bank and is maintained with the AD
and the balance , if any , is distributed to its shareholders . An
category I bank on behalf of residents and non-residents
administrator , called a liquidator , is appointed ; he collects the
towards payment of share purchase consideration .
debts of the company and distributes any surplus among the
Q . 12 What are the reporting requirements of the Reserve Bank of
India ?
Reporting requirements to the RBI : The Company has to report within 30 days of receiving the application money ( inward remittance ); intimation is to be made to the concerned regional
members . A company may be wound up either by compulsory winding up by court or voluntary winding up by shareholders or creditors . For details , visit the following link-
( http :// www . mca . gov . in / MCA21 / CloseCompany . html )
Information on starting a Liaison Office / Branch
office of the RBI in respect of the inward bank remittance received in the prescribed form . The company is also required
Office / Project Office in India
to intimate the RBI within the 30 days of issuing shares to the
Q . 15 What are the rules and regulations for the establishment of a
foreign investor in the prescribed form . The RBI will issue a
Branch office or other place of business in India ?
registration number to the company which is to be mentioned for future correspondence with the RBI , while repatriating funds , etc .
As can be seen from Q . 7 the LO / BO / PO can be opened under
3 routes ( refer Question 7 of Section I ). In case of “ RBI route ” and “ Government route ”, the application needs to be
The capital instruments should be issued within 180 days
submitted to the RBI
from the date of receipt of the inward remittance received through normal banking channels including escrow account opened and maintained for the purpose or by debit to the NRE / FCNR ( B ) account of the non-resident investor . In case , the capital instruments are not issued within 180 days from the date of receipt of the inward remittance or date of debit to the NRE / FCNR ( B ) account , the amount of consideration so received should be refunded immediately to the non-resident investor by outward remittance through normal banking channels or by credit to the NRE / FCNR ( B ) account , as the case may be . Non-compliance with the above provision would be
The process of opening a LO / BO / PO is as follows : Foreign companies / entities desirous of setting up of Liaison office / Branch office ( LO / BO ) are required to submit their application in Form FNC along with the documents mentioned therein to Foreign Investment Division , Foreign Exchange
Department , Reserve Bank of India , Central Office , Mumbai , through an authorised dealer bank .
For sanctioning of LO / BO , the RBI also considers the track record and net worth of the foreign entities . The details can be seen from page no . 2 and 3 of the following link-
( http :// rbidocs . rbi . org . in / rdocs / notification / PDFs / 07LO280313FL . pdf )
reckoned as a contravention under FEMA and would
Project Office : The RBI has provided a general permission to
attract penal provisions .
foreign companies for establishing POs in India , provided they
n n
Apart from the company needs to comply with reporting requirements of Registrars of companies like filling form 2 etc .
Reporting of transfer of shares between residents and nonresidents and vice- versa is to be done in Form FC-TRS within 60 days .
have secured a contract from an Indian company to execute a project in India and ( i ) the project is funded directly by inward remittance from abroad ; or ( ii ) the project is funded by a bilateral or multilateral International Financing Agency ; or ( iii ) the project has been cleared by an appropriate authority ; or ( iv ) a company or entity in India awarding the contract has been granted Term Loan by a Public Financial Institution or a bank
Details of issue of shares against conversion of ECB have
in India for the project . However , if the above criteria are not
to be reported to the Regional Office concerned of the RBI
met , then such applications need to be forwarded to the RBI .
The Indian company issuing ADRs / GDRs has to furnish to
The RBI has also provided the general permission for opening a
the Reserve Bank , full details of such issue in the
BO in SEZs provided such units are functioning in those sectors
prescribed form , within 30 days from the date of closing of
where 100 % FDI is permitted ; such units comply with the Part
the issue .
XI of the Company ’ s Act 1956 and function on a standalone
The details and forms can be seen from the Page No . 81 to
basis .
119 of the following link-
It should , however be noted that general permission in case of
( http :// dipp . nic . in / English / Policies / FDI _ Circular _ 01 _ 2013 . pdf )
PO / BO is not available to investors from Pakistan , Afghanistan ,
Q . 13 Are investments and profits earned in India repatriable ?
Bangladesh , Sri Lanka , Iran and China .
All foreign investments are freely repatriable ( net of applicable taxes ) except in cases where :
General permission means no prior approval is required from RBI subject to prescribed conditions .
i ) the foreign investment is in a sector like defence wherein the foreign investment is subject to a lock-in period ( 3 years );
Further , dividends ( net of applicable taxes ) declared on foreign investments can be remitted freely through an authorized dealer bank . The details can be seen from the Page No . 81-82
Within 30 days of obtaining approval from the RBI , a Form of
Establishment ( Form No . 44 ), is required to be filled and filed with the RoC along with the prescribed documents . The
LO / BO / PO also needs to comply with Part XI of the company ’ s act 1956 . ( Section 591 to 608 ).
of the following link-
The other rules and regulations relating to LO / BO / PO can be
( http :// dipp . nic . in / English / Policies / FDI _ Circular _ 01 _ 2013 . pdf )
seen from the RBI master circular-
Q . 14 Can a company in India be wound up ?
( http :// www . rbi . org . in / scripts / BS _ CircularIndexDisplay . aspx ? Id = 7312 )
Winding up of a company is a process whereby all the affairs of
Q . 16 What are the permissible activities which LO / BO can undertake ?
the company are wound up , all assets sold , liabilities paid off
LO / BO can undertake only the activities specified below :
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 48