SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 47

The forms and other details can be seen from the following
The details on forms , conditions and guidelines can be
link- http :// www . mca . gov . in / MCA21 / RegisterNewComp . html
seen from the Page No . 20 to 29 of the following link-
Most of the activities can be done online .
http :// dipp . nic . in / English / Policies / FDI _ Circular _ 01 _ 2013 . pdf
It is preferable to engage the services of a professional
Q . 9 What are the instruments allowed for receiving FDI ?
agency in carrying out above activities .
The instruments for receiving FDI include : Investments made in
The process of notarization and apostillment is different for
equity shares , fully and mandatorily convertible preference
each country . The details of the same for countries
shares and fully and mandatorily convertible debentures with
signatory to Hague convention can be seen from the
the pricing being decided up front as a figure or based on the
following link-
formula that is decided up front . Issue of warrants , partly paid
http :// www . hcch . net / index _ en . php ? act = text . display & tid = 37
shares etc require prior approval of FIPB .
Alternatively the foreign investor can also acquire shares in
Issue of non-convertible , optionally convertible or partially
existing company : Subject to FDI sectoral policy ( relating to
convertible preference shares / debentures needs to comply
sectoral caps and entry routes ), applicable laws and other
with the external commercial borrowing ( ECB ) guidelines
conditionality ’ s including security conditions , non-resident
of the RBI .
investors can also invest in Indian companies by purchasing / acquiring existing shares from Indian shareholders or from other non-resident shareholders .
The inward remittances received by the Indian company vide issuance of DRs and FCCBs are treated as FDI and counted towards FDI .
The Form FC-TRS should be submitted to the AD
Category-I Bank , within 60 days from the date of receipt of the amount of consideration . The onus of submission of the Form FC-TRS within the given time frame would be on
Q . 10 What are the rules relating to pricing of issue of shares ?
Price of shares issued to persons resident outside India under the FDI Policy , shall not be less than -
the transferor / transferee , resident in India .
The price worked out in accordance with the SEBI
The sale consideration in respect of equity instruments purchased by a person resident outside India , remitted into
guidelines , as applicable , where the shares of the company is listed on any recognized stock exchange in India ;
India through normal banking channels , shall be subjected
The fair valuation of shares done by a SEBI registered
to a Know Your Customer ( KYC ) check by the remittance
Category - I Merchant Banker or a Chartered Accountant
receiving AD Category-I bank .
as per the discounted free cash flow method , where the
Prior permission of RBI in certain cases for transfer of capital instruments :
shares of the company is not listed on any recognized stock exchange in India ; and
( i ) Transfer is at a price which falls outside the pricing
The price as applicable to transfer of shares from resident
guidelines specified by the Reserve Bank from time to time
to non-resident as per the pricing guidelines laid down by
and the transaction does not fall under the exception given
the Reserve Bank from time to time , where the issue of
in para . of FDI policy that can be seen from the
shares is on preferential allotment .
Page No . 22 & 23 of the following link-
However , where non-residents ( including NRIs ) are making
( http :// dipp . nic . in / English / Policies / FDI _ Circular _ 01 _ 2013 . pdf ),
investments in an Indian company in compliance with the
( ii ) Transfer of capital instruments by the non-resident
provisions of the Companies Act , 1956 , by way of
acquirer involving deferment of payment of the amount of
subscription to its Memorandum of Association , such
consideration ,
investments may be made at face value subject to their
( iii ) Transfer of any capital instrument , by way of gift by a
eligibility to invest under the FDI scheme . The above
person resident in India to a person resident outside India .
information can be seen from the Page No . 20 of the
Indian companies have been granted general permission
following link-
for conversion of External Commercial Borrowings ( ECB )
( http :// dipp . nic . in / English / Policies / FDI _ Circular _ 01 _ 2013 . pdf )
( excluding those deemed as ECB ) in convertible foreign
Q . 11 How can a foreign investor transfer funds into an Indian
currency into equity shares / fully compulsorily and
company ?
mandatorily convertible preference shares , subject to the conditions and reporting requirements .
The modes of transfer allowed are :
General permission is also available for issue of
( i )
inward remittance through normal banking channels .
shares / preference shares against lump sum technical
( ii ) debit to NRE / FCNR account of a person concerned and
know-how fee , royalty , subject to entry route , sectoral cap
maintained with an Authorized Dealer category-I bank-
and pricing guidelines ( as per the provision of para 3.4.2
( AD category-1 bank )
above ) and compliance with applicable tax laws .
( http :// rbidocs . rbi . org . in / rdocs / FEMAMASTER / PDFs / 1061 . pdf )
Issue of equity shares under the FDI policy is allowed under the
( iii ) conversion of royalty / lump sum / technical knowhow fee
Government route for the following :
due for payment , or conversion of ECB , shall be treated as
( i ) import of capital goods / machinery / equipment
consideration for issue of shares
( excluding second-hand machinery ), subject to compliance
( iv ) conversion of import payables / pre incorporation
with the conditions .
expenses / share swap can be treated as consideration for
( ii ) pre-operative / pre-incorporation expenses ( including
issue of shares with the approval of FIPB
payments of rent etc .), subject to compliance with the conditions
( v ) debit to non-interest bearing escrow account in Indian
Rupees in India which is opened with the approval from
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 47