SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 116

b . Business Networking and promotional events :
undertake various promotional events and road shows
Government shall promote and encourage
at various locations from time to time . A
participation in various national and international
reimbursement / Grant of 50 % exhibition subsidy will
events by the industry and by leading a Government-
be awarded for participating in the national /
industry business delegation to the identified
international exhibitions upto 9 sq . m per unit .
Exhibitions and Conferences . Government would also
5 . Adoption of “ Mission Approach ”
Empowered Mission for Electronics & IT Promotion : An
A provision shall be made in the relevant legislations or rules that in
autonomous Society , with Headquarters at
case the required approvals are not granted within 4 weeks of receipt
Visakhapatnam would be created as an “ Empowered
of an application in full-shape , the approval shall be deemed to have
Mission for Electronics & IT Promotion ” to give fillip to the
been given .
development of the sector and take faster and agile
Mission to identify & work on Thrust Areas : Based on the
decisions . The Mission would be headed by a Technocrat
Industry Demand , the Electronics & IT Mission would
and would have 3 Experts in Electronics & IT , 2
identify key thrust areas / segments in the Electronics
Academics and an expert in Marketing & Promotion .
Industry . Special focus would be laid for developing the
Effective Single-Window System : A high-level , empowered
eco-system for these thrust areas . The indicative thrust
‘ Single Window Clearance Unit ’ will be created and
areas are Fabless semiconductors , Mobile , LED , Smart
operationalized for granting approvals & clearances for
Meters , FPD TVs , Tablets , Base Stations , Smartcards ,
setting up New Units and for expansion of the existing
Sensors , IOT .
units in the State . It would be supported by the-state-of-
APIIC to be Industrial Area Local Authority ( IALA ): All IT
the-art centralized help desk on 24x7 basis duly
Industrial Areas / IT Lay Outs / Zones / Corridors , including
leveraging the e-Biz portal set up by GoI . The objective
Electronic Manufacturing Clusters ( EMCs ) and ITIR
of this window would be to ( a ) reduce time to set up
delineated processing areas of APIIC in the State shall be
business and ( b ) reduce cost of doing business .
accorded the status of Industrial Authority Local Area
Time-bound approvals : The following procedural reform
( IALA ) immediately so that the execution and
would be undertaken with an aim to provide approvals to
maintenance of IT Industrial areas shall be effectively
the industry / investors within 4 weeks .
planned , executed and implemented by APIIC in the
a . Integrated Application for all permissions
interest of promotion of Electronics Sector . All statutory
b . Escort Officer to be assigned the responsibility for
clearance in the Industrial Local Area Authority , would be
getting approvals c . Escalation at various levels and regular monitoring
given by APIIC .
6 . Innovation & Capacity Building
Establish COE on Fabless Semiconductors : The
advised to give credits to the students successfully
Government aims setting up a Centre of Excellence in
completing notified online courses .
Design in partnership with the Industry and the premier
Faculty Up-gradation : A special scheme of faculty upacademic
institutions in the State .
gradation shall be introduced .
PhDs : The State shall target to reach a level of producing
The Government would support opening of premier
250 PhDs in Electronics by 2018 under the scheme
institutes for electronics and hardware in partnership with
approved by GOI .
the top Electronics Companies and Foreign Universities .
Skill Enhancement by MSMEs : Assistance shall be
Mandatory Apprenticeship : All educational institutions
provided to MSMEs with a minimum of 20 employees on
offering under-graduate courses in software engineering ,
its rolls by way of reimbursement of 50 % of training fees ,
electronics and computer sciences shall implement a
subject to a maximum Rs . 10,000 ( Rupees Ten thousand
mandatory scheme of internship / apprenticeship in the
only ) per employee , on obtaining recognized
4th Year of the course in association with the industry .
certifications in emerging technologies . The assistance
This Policy is valid for a period of 5 years from the date of its
under this category shall be limited to Rs . 1 lakh ( Rupees
notification and supersedes the “ Andhra Pradesh Electronics
One lakh only ) per year per unit . Also , the Skill
Hardware Policy 2012-17 ”.
Development program to be implemented through the
ITE & C Department shall issue appropriate
polytechnics and ITIs would have a target of 8,000
Implementation / Operational Guidelines with simplified
students in electronics sector by 2017 .
application proforma and procedure for claiming of the
The Universities will be advised to change the course
incentives .
curriculum to be in tune with the emerging technologies and align to the requirements of the Industry and also to
B . Sreedhar , IAS
introduce courses in entrepreneurship development .
Secretary to Government Information Technology , Electronics &
Content Development : Government would support the
Communications Department Government of Andhra Pradesh
‘ content development ’ for the Online Courses that would
Room No . 6 , 1st Floor , North ‘ H ’ Block A . P . Secretariat ,
meet the current and future industry demand in
Hyderabad - 500022 ( India )
association with Industry / Industry Associations / Academia .
E-mail : secy _ itc @ ap . gov . in
Credits for Online Courses : The Universities will be
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