SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 115

measure , the electronics industry would be exempt from the
would be established to improve the social infrastructure in the
purview of statutory power cuts .
cities where ITIR or EMCs are proposed to be developed .
c .
Social Infrastructure : A multi-departmental mechanism
3 . Top-up incentives of GoI
In addition to the incentives by the GoI as per NPE 2012 , the
Transfer Duty and Registration Fee paid on sale / lease
Government of Andhra Pradesh shall provide the following
deeds on the first transaction and 50 % thereof on the
additional incentives .
second transaction .
A . Incentives applicable to all categories of Electronic Hardware
Power Subsidy :
Industry :
a . 50 % to Micro , 40 % to small & 25 % to medium & 10 %
A1- Non Fiscal Incentives
to large-scale industry limited to Rs . 30 lakhs Power
Electronics Industry would be exempted from
Subsidy on power bills for a period of 5 years from the
inspections / certifications under the following Acts and the
date of commencement of commercial operations .
Rules framed there under and as administered by the Labour
b . Exemption of Electricity Duty : New Electronic
Department , barring inspections arising out of specific
Hardware units , after coming into commercial
complaints . The Electronic Industry ( units ) are permitted to file
operations will be entitled for 100 % exemption on
self-certificates , in the prescribed formats for the following
Electricity duty for a period of 5 years .
statutes .
Patent Filing Cost : The cost of filing patents will be
i .
The Factories Act 1948
reimbursed to the companies having their headquarters
ii .
The Maternity Benefit Act 1961
in Andhra Pradesh , subject to a limit of Rs . 5 lakh ( 0.5
iii . The AP Shops & Establishments Act 1988
mil ) per domestic patent awarded and Rs . 10 lakh ( 1 Mil )
iv . The Contract Labour ( Regulations & Abolition ) Act 1970
per international patent awarded .
v .
The Payment of Wages Act , 1936
Quality Certification : 50 % subsidy on the expenses incurred
vi . The Minimum Wages Act 1948
for quality certification limited to Rs . 4 Lakhs ( Conformity
vii . The Employment Exchanges ( Compulsory Notification of Vacancies ) Act 1959
General permission shall be available on the lines similar to IT / ITES industry for 3-shift operations with women working in the night , subject to the Electronics units taking the prescribed precautions in respect of safety and security of employees .
Electronics Hardware industry is declared as essential service under AP Essential Services Maintenance Act .
CCITI : An empowered ‘ Consultative Committee on
Information Technology Industry ( CCITI )’ would be formed with the representatives of Electronics industry and the other stakeholders . The CCITI would administer the incentives in a speedy , time-bound and transparent
European ( CE ), China , Compulsory Certificate ( CCC ), UL
Certification , ISO , CMM Certification , SA , RU etc .)
Cleaner / Greener Production Measures : 25 % subsidy on cleaner / green production measures limited to Rs . 10
3.10 VAT / CST Reimbursement : 100 % Tax reimbursement of VAT
/ CST , for the new units started after the date of issue of this Policy , for a period of 5 years from the date of commencement of production for products manufactured in AP and sold in AP .
3.11 Skill Up gradation & Training : 50 % reimbursement / grant of cost involved in skill up gradation & training the local manpower limited to Rs . 2,000 / - per person .
B . Additional incentives available to Mega Projects :
manner .
3.12 Mega Projects : Mega Projects are the projects or the
A2 Fiscal Incentives
investment intents with minimum Investment of Rs . 250
Registration & Stamp Duty : Electronics industry shall be eligible for 100 % reimbursement of the Stamp Duty ,
crore or the ones that can create an employment of more than 2,000 persons in a span of Five years . A special dispensation would be provided to the Mega Projects .
4 . Promotion of Electronics in Andhra Pradesh
Mega Electronics Event : An Annual Mega Electronics Event
Electronic Products in the State . The Bazaars would also
shall be organized in the State in partnership with the
provide space for new product launches .
industry . The Government would ensure that the event
Enhance web-presence / marketing : An extensive web
becomes a national event for showcasing and promoting
marketing campaign will be run with the help of a
the electronics industry in the country .
professional agency . The Campaign would focus on
Road Shows : Road shows will be conducted in the United
marketing and branding “ Advantage AP ”
States , Japan , Germany , Korea , Taiwan and China for the
Create widely known Points of Contact : Government would
promotion of the industry in the state . Joint delegations
create liaison offices in select locations for facilitating
of the Industry and the State Government shall
industry interactions .
participate in various national and international
Incentives to the Industry
Exhibitions / Conferences / Trade Shows relating to
a . Technology & Market Support : Government will
electronics , to attract investments into the state .
support Associations of Electronic Hardware
Establish Electronics Bazaars : Government of Andhra
manufacturers and exporters like IESA , ELCINA ,
Pradesh proposes to set up “ Electronics Bazaars ” at
ELIAP , for conducting surveys and / or research on
Vizag , Vijayawada and Tirupati . The Electronics Bazaars
trends in technology , market intelligence or on other
would act as G2B / B2B / B2G / B2C Platforms for
work useful to the Electronic Hardware Industry .
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