SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 101

ESDM sector .
1.2 . To constitute a high-level committee with due representation from the Industry for marketing the State ’ s offers based on its competencies and thereby attract investments into the State .
1.3 . To facilitate setting up of Semiconductor Wafer Fab facilities and its eco- system for design and fabrication of chips and chip components for consumption sectors such as Auto , Telecom , Agriculture , Irrigation , Life Sciences , Education , Energy , Water , Rural Development . the Government of India . Even if a company obtains contract manufacturing services from a Gujaratbased unit or procures components manufactured in Gujarat , the value of such services / components will be included in the value addition . The Science and Technology Department will publish detailed guidelines in this regard in due course .
3.2 . The establishment of a free trade & warehousing zone ( FTWZ ) for Raw Materials , Components , Consumables , Parts and packing Materials required for Electronics hardware manufacturing will be suitably facilitated in the State to make access to input / raw material easy for local Industry .
1.4 . To facilitate setting up of Greenfield and Brownfield
Electronics Manufacturing Clusters ( EMCs ) with
world-class logistics , infrastructure and businessincubation
4 . Creating eco-system for innovation , R & D and
friendly facilities with sea , air and inland
in ESDM sector :
connectivity .
4.1 . To facilitate IP development by Indian industry ,
1.5 . To assist setting up of Design City in the State to
academic and R & D institutions with the active
attract leading design companies from across the globe to set up their base in Gujarat .
1.6 . To encourage coordination and tie up with Electronic Cities of international repute and engage with top ESDM companies to pro-actively invite investments into the State .
1.7 . To suitably help in providing basic infrastructural facilities like uninterrupted power , water , roads , etc .
1.8 . To extend support for e-waste management as per applicable rules and regulations .
2 . Human Resource Development ( HRD )
2.1 . To work closely with the Private Sector , Universities and other institutions of learning in designing tailor-made curriculum / programmes to cater to the requirements of the 5 industry .
support of the State Government . IP creation by local units will be given prime 6 importance .
4.2 . To infuse special funds jointly in partnership with the industry and / or other academic institutions of excellence for promoting innovation and incubation .
4.3 . To support setting up of R & D centres equipped with Testing / Validation / QA equipments to be shared by the industry .
4.4 . To set up ESDM Incubation Centres and Product Development Centres in collaboration with global R & D centres of eminence and repute .
V . Definitions
2.2 . To facilitate enhancement of the number of graduates / post graduates and other skilled manpower by suitably increasing capacities in Colleges / Universities / ITIs / Polytechnics / Kaushalya Vardhan Kendras ( KVKs ) through publicprivate partnership and otherwise by the Education and Labour & Employment Departments of the State Government .
2.3 . To establish an ESDM University as one of the leading technology research institutes in the Asia region .
2.4 . To forge global partnerships with international 1 . The Policy shall cover the ESDM sector . institutes of repute and top corporates in the
2 . ESDM shall include the entire value chain of all sector for innovation , R & D , knowledge transfer , electronic verticals / products covered under the strategic tie-ups , etc . in coordination with Gujarat
National Policy on Electronics and related notifications Innovation Council . issued by the Department of Electronics & Information 2.5 . To encourage Industrial internships for UG / PG Technology ( DeitY ), Ministry of Communication &
students and faculty exposure programme in
Information Technology , Government of India and will ESDM Industry . also include computers and peripherals ,
3 . Creating local demand for electronic products and communication devices , electronic manufacturing promoting ESDM companies in the State : services , strategic electronics and its components ,
3.1 . Preference will be given to locally manufactured industrial electronics , automotive electronics , telecom electronic products in the State for Government electronic equipment , information and broadcasting purchase / procurement based on the criteria electronic equipment , medical electronics , electronic linked to the extent of local value addition in line gaming and electronic toys . The classification of the with the Preferential Market Access ( PMA ) Policy of products covered under this Policy is at Annexure A .
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