SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 100

ESDM was a part of the overall IT Policy of the State . However ,
development .
with a view to providing focused attention on the subject and
4 . Taking up ESDM sector specific skill development &
addressing the global developments and their cascading
training programmes .
effect , the need of formulation of a separate Electronics Policy has become imperative . The Government has decided to lay down the Electronics Policy of the State as under : -
I .
Vision :
5 . Focusing on promotion and branding for Gujarat as a leading ESDM destination .
III . Objectives
To set up a globally competitive electronics system design and manufacturing industry with the requisite ecosystem in Gujarat , which , apart from catering to the global and domestic needs of the country , leads towards the all-round development and inclusive growth of the State and thereby contributing to the economic growth and prosperity of the State and the Nation .
II . Mission :
1 . To establish Gujarat as a globally-recognized hub for the ESDM industry with a turnover of USD 16 billion by 2020 and an investment of USD 6 billion to create employment opportunities for 5 lakh people by 2020 .
2 . To increase the export in ESDM sector from the current level to USD 1 billion by 2020 .
3 . To initiate effective measures in active collaboration / partnership with prospective stakeholders in the industry to enhance the availability of skilled manpower in the ESDM sector , for which the State Government will lend support for creation of requisite infrastructural facilities for promoting undergraduate / postgraduate education and for attracting the students to embark upon the studies / research for doctorate in this field .
4 . To promote creation of Intellectual Property ( IP ) and Research & Development in the ESDM sector . To identify and strengthen the Electronics Laboratories of premier engineering / science colleges in the State and developing them as Centers of Excellence ( CoE ) in ESDM sector .
IV . Strategies
The State Government is committed to give fillip to indigenous manufacturing of electronic products by creating a favourable investor-friendly ecosystem across the entire value chain of ESDM sector by :
1 . Rolling out a suitable policy framework for introducing a ‘ single window dispensation ’, towards the establishment of the Electronics manufacturing units in the State and addressing the challenges faced by potential investors and suitably facilitating access to necessary infrastructural facilities like land , power , water , etc . for the growth of the industry .
2 . Proactively helping in building up a sturdy eco-system of innovation , R & D , product design , engineering ,
1 . It has been decided to create such eco-system as to assembly & testing , incubation and production in transform the State into a globally competitive ESDM Electronics in the State . destination . Further , as a part of this Strategy , it has 3 . Promoting indigenously developed and environment- been contemplated :
friendly manufactured high-quality electronic products , 1.1 . To extend support to the ESDM industry in the which can be made available to the people of our State State in conformity with the Government of India and the country at affordable prices , with a view to policies and the notifications pertaining to the furthering socio-economic empowerment and inclusive
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 100