Sports Union Bulletins 2016/17 October 2016 | Page 4

FEATURED VOLUNTEER J osh has been recognised as a stand out volunteer for the Sports Union this year. Already commiting a total of 48 volunteer hours for October alone, Josh has proven himself to be an invaluable member of the team. Name: Joshua Gregory Campus: Kingsway Campus HND Engineering Systems Josh has proven himself to be a committed, passionate and dedicated worker. His work to date has ranged significantly from supporting the running of the Dundee Campus Basketball squad, to playing a lead role in the development of the new Sports Union awards scheme - which we look to launch in the later part of the 2016/7 academic term. #DASportsunion #VolunteerChampionAward #DAarmy Whats On OCTOBER ‘16 Dundee Campus Football: 5th - Dundee Uni 3’s (Away) 19th - Dundee Uni 2’s (Away) 26th - Aberdeen Uni 2’s (Home) Womans Football: 5th - Aberdeen Woman 1 (Away) 19th - St. Andrews Uni 2’s (Away) Angus Campus Football: 5th - Dundee Uni 4’s (Away) 19th - St. Andrews 4’s (Home) 26th - Aberdeen Uni 4’s (Away) Basketball (Angus): 5th - Dundee Uni (Home) 26th - Dundee Campus (Home) D&A Rugby: 5th - Robert Gordon Uni (Home) 19th - Edinburgh Napier (Away) 26th - Edinburgh College (Home) Basketball (Dundee): 26th - Angus Campus (Away) D&A Trampoline: 22nd - SSS League 1 Series (Away) FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE GET IN TOUCH: CRAIG.NICOLL@DUNDEEANDANGUS.AC.UK