On the first years of the ciclorutas project, it
was destined for sport activities. 19 later, the
ciclorutas symbolize something definitely different. Now the ciclorutas are a transport tool
for almost 84.000 people and it sees around
170.000 trips per day. Of these people, only
the 18% use it for sport or recreation. In contrast, 31% of them use it to go to work and
35% of them use it to go to study, and each
day the number of cicloruta’s users increase.
Accordingly, the ciclorutas infrastructure has
grown up too. Today the city almost has 350
km of ciclorutas through the city, and all the
people in the city can enjoy this space because
there are ciclorutas in 17 of the 20 Bogota’s
counties. All of these things have made Bogotá an example of bike routes for the country’s other cities and Latin America’s cities.