Sports N Culture 1 | Page 11

The second one is for Mateusz Sawrymowicz who lose his bronze medal for the same reason. Consequently some swimmers have sanctions because they use prohibited drugs during the competitions that are the reason to take away their medals. The last one is the Back stroke. This style is in the Olympic Games from the first games in 1908. This style is marked for the time records. In the male category is 51.94* by Aaron Peirsol in 2009. And the female category is 58.12* by Gemma Spofforthin 2009. Also this style is different of the other ones because this is the only style of swimming that the person puts his body so that the chest is not immersed in water which makes it interesting for people. Accordingly this style is supremely interesting for the people because is the only one that has a different posture that the other ones. As seen swimming styles have excelled in different areas by various means either record times or speed or also for unsportsmanlike conduct and it causing an interest in the people who see it as it is to begin practice in the case of freestyle or consider supremely interesting as it is in the case of back stroke or be listed as one of the most beautiful in the case of butterfly stroke. In short swimming styles have been memorable moments that have marked the history of the Olympic games.