What we are doing Local skills improvement hubs - matching employer training and skills needs to local provision
Industry engagement and consultation
Local skills advisory boards
Local employers
Curriculum planning and delivery
Local providers
Local skills strategy Local LMI skills needs ( at all levels )
Skills diagnostic linked to professional standards
Employer engagement
The right training , delivered in the right place , at the right time , to the right people .
CIMSPA has been commissioned by Sport England to lead a local skills project bringing together employers , deployers , education providers and employability-focused organisations to effectively and efficiently match supply and demand .
CIMSPA have already completed the rollout of a team of skills hub managers across England , Wales and Scotland , to create local skills hubs .
This local delivery team is now building relationships between stakeholders and completing skills diagnostics in every area , so we can create sport and physical activity local skills action plans .
These plans will :
• Ensure local colleges , universities and training providers are offering education and training that matches what employers need .
• Provide employers with the skilled workforce they need to offer great sport and physical activity opportunities that are inclusive and meet the needs of diverse local communities , and drive business success .
• Give the people who work in sport and physical activity great career pathways .
All with the goal of ensuring the sport and physical activity sector can deliver health , economic and social benefits to our nation .