Sport England Uniting the Workforce - Coaching Blueprint | Page 2

Contents page What we have learnt

What we are doing
Realising the potential of England ’ s workforce 1 A more diverse workforce 4
The changing face of the sport and physical activity workforce 5
What our workforce looks like 6 Horizon scanning 7 Coaching is hard … and it ’ s getting harder 8
The Coaching and Workforce House 1 2 A professionally regulated vocation 1 3 Towards a professionally regulated sector workforce 14 The ‘ 5 Rs ’ of effective workforce governance 15
‘ Building blocks ’ needed for a professionally regulated workforce 1 6
Workforce governance 17
Supporting coaches prevents harmful acts 18
What is needed Seven ‘ system shifts ’ 9 The five design principles 10
Preventing harm 1 9 Empowering coaches through learning design 20 Local skills improvement hubs 2 1 Children ’ s Coaching Collaborative 22