Sport England Uniting the Workforce - Coaching Blueprint | Page 17

What we are doing The ‘ 5 Rs ’ of effective workforce governance

Risk management
Effective digital data management systems that provide live , real-time information on the status of the workforce against minimum standards for deployment and professional status .
Make it easier for people to identify those who are committed to improvement and prepared to hold themselves accountable to standards and codes of conduct – i . e . ‘ Corgi Registered ’.
Support for those at the frontline in the case of a wrongful accusation .
Rehabilitation opportunities in the case of poor practice / unintentional / inadvertent harms .
‘ Right touch ’ regulation to meet the needs of a diverse workforce of volunteers and paid workers with a variety of roles with varying levels of risk .
A refocus on managing risk to participant using a multi layered (‘ Swiss cheese ’) analysis rather than organisations protecting themselves from reputational damage .