What is needed The seven ‘ system shifts ’ Seven ways to think about transforming the workforce development ecosystem
What is needed The seven ‘ system shifts ’ Seven ways to think about transforming the workforce development ecosystem
1 . Transformation not transaction
From coaches seen as a means to an end .
‘ Ecological niche ’ 2 . Change the paradigm
From ‘ Coach Educators ’ delivering ‘ just in case ’ courses and training .
From qualified once = competent forever .
To coach development as a human interaction that is highly context-specific .
To individualised ‘ just in time ’ support based on needs .
3 . Professional recognition
To continuous improvement to maintain ‘ professional status ’.
4 . Fixing the ‘ leaky bucket ’
From mass volume training of new coaches to replace those who leave through lack of support .
5 . Diversity through decentralisation
From centralised delivery through a singular delivery body in fixed locations .
6 . Embrace complexity
From a linear coaching pathway designed exclusively around the needs of talent development .
7 . Deconstructed delivery
From ‘ qualifications ’ that squash learning into a short time frame with knowledge , assessment and certification all built in .
To retaining experienced practitioners through better support and resources .
To distributed delivery at the point of need through multiple ‘ hyper local ’ accredited providers .
To non-linear learning and development matched to the inherent complexity of coaching journeys and participant needs .
To flexible ‘ asynchronous ’ learning and development with ongoing and regular ‘ in situ ’ assessment and recognition of expertise .