SPLAT: The Official Newsletter of the Ateneo Special Education Society Sept. 2013 | Page 17
and we wanted it to represent the organization’s goal to share it’s experiences with the ‘other half’, which is the Ateneo community. We recognize that a lot of people still haven’t come to acknowledge and respect the community of PWSN and this is what Spectrum hopes to address during the Disability Awareness Week. By wearing the shirts, we aim declare to the outside community of the pride that we take in our advocacy. Though the shirt itself as a whole may not seem to be a direct advocacy message, what it
mainly represents is the talent and potential in these kids that we want for the outside community to recognize . These specially designed shirts show us that they are indeed creative individuals who deserve to have their artworks shared and witnessed by a wider audience. “Why then is this project named Spectrum?” you may ask. Our experiences together with these students are truly represented within a Spectrum. When encountered with the