Spiritual Weight Loss PDF eBook Free Download How To Transform Your Body & Reverse Aging PDF | Page 12

Spiritual Weight Loss Of course there are a virtually endless number of different kinds of exercise, and many people are overwhelmed by everything they think they need to learn and do to start an effective exercise program. The real truth is that while there is always room for optimization, the most important thing is not what kind of exercise you do, or how long you do it, when you do it, or how often you do it...the most important thing is that you do it! This program will suggest different kinds of exercise and provide state-of-the-art information on how and when you can exercise to get maximum results. However, most of this information is just for optimization. The really important thing for you to do is to simply find some form of exercise you actually enjoy, to ensure you will make it part of your lifestyle and hence keep doing it – not just because you know it is good for you, but because you like it! Lastly, Theta*Genix emphasizes a gradual, phased approach to lifestyle transformation. Perhaps the biggest and most common mistake people make when embarking on a weight loss or body transformation program is to try to do too much, too fast. If you try to do too much, too fast, it will shock your system and – about 90% of the time – causes you to quit after a few weeks or a few months. It's as if you never exercise and decide you want to run a marathon, so you immediately go out and try to run 5 miles per day...not only is this hard on your body, but you won't stick with it. You're much more likely to have long term success if you gradually phase in the components of the system. The Components of the Theta*Genix Program  The program detailed in this e-book is called “Theta*Genix” because it includes the use of ThetaHealing and Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing. I have tried zillions of different diets, nutritional supplements, cleanses, and emotional clearing modalities, and these are the two things that provided me with profound, immediate, and permanent results. 9