Spiritual Weight Loss PDF eBook Free Download How To Transform Your Body & Reverse Aging PDF | Page 11
Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 1: Introduction
Q What is the best emotional clearing technique for
you to use?
A It's the one you actually use!
Emotional clearing is a vital component of any serious weight release or body
transformation program, for reasons to be discussed in detail below. In short, in
order to get great results from anything in life, you have to be clear of
subconscious emotional blocks that will sabotage your progress.
However, if emotional clearing takes too long, or is too expensive, or too difficult,
you won't do it. Theta*Genix solves this problem by offering simple, fast, and
incredibly powerful emotional clearing that usually only takes a few hours to
permanently eliminate subconscious emotional blocks to releasing weight and
getting super healthy.
Q What is the best form of exercise for you to do?
A It's the one you actually do!