In Love & Light , Always …
Now , to describe what happens within your body when its needs are ignored , and the lifestyle is persisted in , causing the toxins to accumulate within , here are the 7 stages of diseases that will unfold if not stopped , explained in this excerpt from my book , “ The Small Book Of Health ”, http :// www . benowpublishings . com / books-written-by-murielle … If you do not have toxins saturating your body , and do not therefore need a deeper cleansing , then your body will not need to initiate one . Then the symptoms , called a cold , will never need to occur at all . Your body only needs that you allow it to perform this healing process if one is needed in order to remain healthy . These are only meant to purify your system from both the internally and externally generated debris .
Again , suppression of the symptoms will only result into even worsening internal conditions where damages of the internal tissues worsen as the toxic load is allowed to grow and saturate the fluids , irritating the cells of the tissues , placing the body into a saturated toxic state , which forces its survival mode of fear to kick in worse than before , as it is struggling and trying desperately to survive this saturation , as it is being poisoned by all of these toxic matters that are suffocating all of its cells , and inundating its domain . The body will try to keep purifying itself
The body will then be forced to gather up these poisonous toxins , and place them into a sac-like hardening that it will create to enclose them , to isolate them , and to stop them from harming the healthier , surrounding tissues that are still at risk . These formations are called cysts , tumors or growths . Then the next stage of worsening saturation causing cell damage is called cancer , and it occurs when the damage that is being done to the tissues finally reaches into the cell ’ s programming , into its DNA-RNA , destroying it , leaving the damaged cell vulnerable , and unable to work in harmony with the rest of the cells , as its program to do so got destroyed .
As explained previously , the healing process is ongoing , and is always for the sole purpose of keeping you alive . There are many signs of toxicity such as when you are holding water in the tissues . Water protects the cells from being damaged by toxins . If you have bad breath , body odor , itchiness , cellulite which is caused by little cysts that the body formed and stored within the fatty tissues , away from vital organs , or if you have other symptoms , then your body is filled with toxins . These symptoms that you keep experiencing are there because you have not yet changed your lifestyle or diet , and you still continue to adhere to the same old patterns without paying attention to the causes that are behind them all , resulting in your suffering to remain with you until these get removed .
5 to keep its integrity in order to stay alive and healthy , even if this drains its energy .
When your body ’ s vital energy reserves have been drained and depleted faster than the body can regenerate them , as it is trying to keep up with these toxic overload cleansing processes , then enervation sets in , or also called nervous exhaustion . If this state of nerve energy reserve depletion is allowed to continue , then toxemia or toxicosis will be the result as more toxic matters will continue to overcome the body , saturating the blood , the tissues , the lymph system , and other fluids . This causes irritation of all of the tissues to worsen , which will then reach a new level , where inflammation of the tissues will begin . If this is not stopped at that point , then ulceration will occur , which is when the tissues get destroyed . If these conditions are not being reversed , then a hardening of the tissues , called induration will occur in order to close up the empty spaces that have been left behind by the destroyed tissues .
In Love & Light , Always …
About the Author ... Aware of the deeper levels of existence since her birth , Murielle has been perfecting her teachings through her own life experiences , healing herself from the inside out , guided from within toward the betterment of each person , ... by teaching , touching , helping , healing everyone that enters her life through her Love & Light that can be called Unconditional ...