In the bright purple strip you could write, "Archangel Michael I ask that you will always keep my loved ones, home, pets and myself protected and safe. Please be our personal body guards. Thank you." Or you could write," Archangel Michael I ask that you will please help me to be strong and not give up on my life, projects or ambitions. Please fill me with the courage and strength I need to move forward on my life path. Thank you.” These are just ideas of what you can write. Once you have drawn and painted your rainbow and written your personal message to each Archangel in their coloured strip of the rainbow, then you can decorate your rainbow. You could use a gold or silver pen to out line the rainbow, stick glitter onto it. Paint the back ground of the card as the sky or any other colour that feels right for you. You could stick a small picture of each Archangel on the card or by each colour strip which is connected to each Archangel. Make your picture be special and personal to you. You could then frame your picture or make your own personalized frame and stick your rainbow picture up on the wall or on a shelf.

Writing to your Guardian Angels

One of the most effective ways to communicate with your angels as well as your guides is to write to them. Find somewhere that is quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Light a candle or too if you like and make you self feel totally relaxed and calm. Get out a piece of paper and pen – or you can write in your journal. Write a loving letter to your guardian angel telling them about your self, about how you look forward in working with them. Share with your angels your dreams, hopes, fears, wishes and desires. Share your thoughts and feelings with them. Ask your guardian angels for guidance and advice on some of life’s issues. Tell them about the some of the decisions you make and about your concerns. Ask your angels to work with you each day and guide you. Make the letter as personal as you like to your angels. Decorate it or leave it plain – it is entirely up to you. Once you have written your letter say out loud or in your mind, “My guardian angel here is a letter I have written just for you. I send it to you with love and care. Some people feel that after they have written their letter they would like to burn it, and then sprinkle the ashes of the letter in the garden – as this helps to send the letter to their angels. I personally do not feel that you have to do this as your guardian angels will receive your letter. They are standing by your side and are reading the letter as you write it. It is entirely up to you whether you want to burn the letter or keep it safe somewhere or in your journal.

Drawing Your Guardian Angels

The best way to tune in and draw your beautiful Guardian Angels is to find somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Put on some soothing music and maybe light a candle or two. Take in several deep breaths into your chest, releasing each breath slowly. Try to become completely relaxed. Have your drawing pad in front of you and a pencil. Then say this short prayer… “I call upon my highest level artist guides and angels. I call upon my Guardian Angels. I ask that you will please help me to draw an accurate and detailed portrait of my guardian angel. I put my trust and faith in you that you will guide me each step of the way. Thank you.”Now calm your mind and take note of any images, sounds, feelings, tastes, smells or names that come to you. Jot everything that comes to you down on your piece of paper. Know deep with in that what you are drawing and the information you are receiving is accurate. Do not force your drawing but let it come to you freely. Do not take much notice of what you are drawing and writing. In stead just go with the flow and let your guides and angels guide your hand. Trust in your heavenly and spiritual helpers and know that they are helping you. If you keep practicing this then in good time you will find that you are drawing angels and could even try to draw your guides or the Archangels. Remember that nothing happens over night, everything takes time, patience and practice.