In understanding how we think, one big idea has dominated in recent
years. It became widely known through Daniel Kahneman‘s (he was
awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize ) phenomenal best-seller,
‘Thinking, fast and slow’. It’s the idea that we process information in
two ways. There are two parallel thinking systems in our minds: System
1 and System 2.
In BRAIN+ NEUROSCIENCE there are two ways of thinking;
System 1 (Primal Brain)
, which is a fast, intuitive way, almost like a gut reaction,
and instantaneous decisions that govern most of our lives and then there is … It relies on deeply rooted
mental models that allow us to make quick decisions without having to think any more than absolutely necessary,
if we think at all. The beauty of System 1 is that it is generally good enough to help us meet the
demands of daily life without requiring us to expend too much energy. Unfortunately, it is not always
accurate. While it is often very effective for solving short-term problems, it can cause us to act in ways that
undermine us in the long run.
System 2 (Rational Brain)
, which is a more conscious, purposeful way of
thinking, is the deliberate type of thinking involved in focus, deliberation, reasoning or analysis – such as
calculating a complex math problem, exercising self-control, or performing a demanding physical task … It
is more accurate , but it also requires more caloric energy and is physically demanding, so we tend to
minimize its use. (Ever notice how tired you are after a long period of concentrated thinking or attention?
This is the result of System 2 causing the brain to burn a lot of energy.)
Broadly, the existence of these
that we have access to two thinking
modes that both serve a useful end, but we sometimes use one when we should use the other–with
unfortunate results. For example, we may come to regret relying on System 2 slow thinking when we
accidentally step out into traffic or relying on System 1 fast thinking when deciding to buy a used car.
Understanding that there are two systems and when we tend to use each can be
our personal development. Our lives become more efficacious when we use each system appropriately,
allowing ourselves to conserve energy and mental resources by delegating mundane activities to System 1
but using System 2 when a circumstance is more fluid or complex.