Sekou Stroude Director of Sales , Canada | Grenada Tourism Authority
What inspired you to get into the tourism field , and what continues to motivate you today ? Growing up in Grenada , I lived very close to the then Board of Tourism ( GBT ) on the Carenage in St . George . In those days , I recall the scent of spices emanating from the offices and often , I would observe the smartly dressed people who worked there and say to myself “ When I grow up , I ’ d love to work there ”.
After I completed school , I was privileged to gain employment with a small regional charter airline where I received my first exposure to the tourism industry . This really opened my eyes to how the tourism industry contributes to the income and living standards of many Grenadians . Apart from loving my job , I am continuously motivated by the importance of tourism to my homeland , Grenada , and the role it plays in developing the lives of so many Grenadians .
As the GTA ’ s Director of Sales in Canada , what are the most rewarding aspects of your job , and what are the most challenging One of the most rewarding aspects of my job as the Director of Sales for Canada is living in Canada and still being able to make a significant contribution to Grenada by sending visitors to the island . Canada is the third largest market for visitors into Grenada and as a result those visitors play a vital part in Grenada ’ s foreign exchange earnings . Staying in hotels , taking tours , buying souvenirs , eating at local restaurants and general support for local businesses all contribute to building our economy .
Another rewarding aspect is , meeting people who have visited Grenada and learning about the amazing experiences they had on island . I ’ ve met people across Canada who visited as kids with their parents and are now making annual
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