Speech Therapy Concussion Treatment And Speech Therapy | Page 14

Speech Disorders: How Speech Therapist in Toronto Can Help? • • • • If the speech disorder is mild then it might not even require any treatment as they tend to do away gradually or don’t affect the speech much. If the disorder is moderate or severe then speech therapy can assist in improving the problem. The speech therapist will do an initial consultation with the patient to determine the exact condition and severity of the disorder. Then he/she would create a treatment plan according to your condition. Mostly, the speech therapy would include exercises that can make the muscles in your throat and face stronger. Moreover, the speech therapist will also teach you the right way of controlling your breathing as you speak. Controlled breathing and strengthening exercises help improve the way words sound. With the help of the therapist, you would be able to practice fluent and smoother speech. Moreover, many individuals who have speech disorders may experience depression, embarrassment, and/or nervousness. The speech therapist ensures that the individual learns to tackle these negative feelings in the right manner. He/she will explain different ways of coping with the disorder and how to enhance your positive attitude and feelings to battle the disorder more effectively.