Speech Therapy Concussion Treatment And Speech Therapy | Page 13

2 Speech Issues in your Child that Require the Help of a Speech Therapist in Toronto • Speech Intelligibility and Articulation o Speech intelligibility is concerned with how well your children can make themselves understood. Articulation, on the other hand, is related to the ability to move the articulator body parts. These include tongue, jaw, lips, and palate physically. If due to some reason, your kid isn’t articulate, this will also decrease their speech intelligibility. They could be less successful in making other people understand what they are saying as compared to other children of the same age. A speech therapist will work with your child in increasing their speech intelligibility. They achieve that by teaching your kid how to form the sound patterns or speech sounds that they find difficult to make. • Speech Fluency and Stuttering o Speech fluency is affected by breaks in the flow of speech. These breaks are a part of our speech, and cause disfluency. However, when one experiences this disfluency too frequently, that is when this becomes known as stuttering. Most cases of stuttering appear when the individual is a child. As expected, if your child stutters, they could have difficulty in communicating with other people.