Speech Therapy Concussion Therapy and Speech Therapy - What You S | Page 3

Trying to Fight a Concussion? Try Some Natural Remedies for Help! • Relax and Regain • A concussion is a brain injury and is apparently invisible. The brain needs time to reconcile and restore its strength after the concussion. • It`s better to take a good sleep and facilitate the body with a physical and mental break until your brain rebuilds and rectifies the problem. You should avoid reverting back to your routine tasks at once after the concussion. • The mental break is as crucial as the physical rest in case of a brain injury. All the mental activities like reading, operating machinery and using computers and other gadgets must be stopped immediately and should be resumed gradually. • Consume Fish Oil • Fish oil is often recommended in case of an accident or brain injury as it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which supports the brain growth. The researchers have also supported the use of fish oil in brain-related injuries and have suggested its use especially in a concussion for healing brain bruises. An article was also published in Advances in Nutrition to further support these findings.