Speech Therapy A More About Speech Therapy | Page 9

Effectiveness Of Speech Therapy • Enhances language learning – With the help of positive reinforcements integrated into speech therapy, the autistic or non-verbal individual gets motivated to improve their language skills. • Improving communication – An autistic or non-verbal individual will have difficulty in verbally communicating with others. Speech therapy allows the individual to find another way of communication. This can be through communication devices, signing or even gestures. • Improving ability to express oneself – An autistic or non-verbal person has to face the hurdles of communicating their feelings, ideas, and thoughts to others. This can be quite a major obstacle that is difficult for the person to deal all by himself or herself. In such cases, speech therapy works wonders for them. They are able to find a voice for themselves. • An Increase In Self-Esteem – An autistic or non-verbal child is aware of the fact that they are different from the rest. Knowing this stops them from making any efforts to communicate with the public. When an autistic child faces a world full of kids similar to his age, he naturally pulls himself away and stays silent. The cruel world we live in today constantly reminds these kids that they are different.