Speech Therapy A More About Speech Therapy | Page 8

Effectiveness Of Speech Therapy • Improving speech muscle coordination – Speech therapy is an excellent way to help improve the coordination of your speech muscles. Through various coordination and strengthening exercises, speech therapy becomes effective for the non-verbal. • Improving Communication between body and brain – Our body is indeed a remarkable and astounding piece of work. The wirings of our brains are what gives the message to our body to perform a task. For an autistic or non-verbal person, speech therapy is effective in improving the communication gap between brain and the body. With the help of auditory and visual aids used in speech therapy, an autistic or non-verbal individual will be able to see a marked difference in themselves. • Improving eloquence – Another effective way speech therapy helps an autistic or non-verbal individual is by improving their fluency in eloquence. The therapy requires you to do some breathing exercises as a way to help improve your articulateness.