Speech Therapy A More About Speech Therapy | Page 6

How To Identify If A Child Needs Speech Therapy • Your Child Is Not Socially Interactive – When babies are of 3 months or so, they respond to you by smiling or by making coo- ing sounds. By the time they turn 2, they are able to figure out when you ask them “more juice” or “get your shoes”. At this stage, they have the capability to understand you and respon d back to you. However, if your child shows no such signs of receptiveness, you should consider the possibilities of speech therapy for your child. • Sounds Or Words Are Notably Reduced – Once your baby turns 1, he or she should have the ability to make out the words you speak. by the time the baby turns two, he or she should have a vocabulary of around 50 words. During this time, if you sense your child is speaking hardly any words or is not at all talking, its time to take your child for speech therapy. • You Are Not Able To Comprehend What Your Child Says – Now that your baby is somewhere between the age of 18 to 24 months, you should have no difficulty understanding what your child is saying. However, if you are not able to make out what your child is saying, it may be a sign that your child requires speech therapy.