Speech Therapy A More About Speech Therapy | Page 5

Importance of speech therapy for children • Helps the Child to Enunciate – Problems with enunciation occur due to muscle in coordination or due to cleft palate problems. Speech therapy is an impactful way to help the child acquire the skills needed to produce the words clearly and correctly. With some sessions of speech therapy, the child will have no trouble producing words and sounds. They will easily be understood by others. • Gives the Child A Way to Communicate – Children who reach the age of three, and have not yet developed their communication skills might require some external help. Speech therapy is the way to go about and help these kids find their voice. • Helps the Child with Language – Speech therapy is not just limited to helping the child correct their speech; it also helps with their language. Most people have this misconception that all speech therapy focuses on is related to speech. When in reality, it centers more than that. The child’s comprehension, grammar, sequencing and many more skills are taught and developed. • Helps the Child with Developing Social Skills – In our society and community, you cannot go far if you lack in social skills. In order to live and survive in this world, we need to interact with the rest of our kind. These skills are essential to be developed from an early age.