‣ measures required . Ideal partners for controlled substance projects should have the following attributes :
• Experience in non-regulated cannabinoid synthesis and analytics , as well as standards and medical / cosmetic NCE derivatives
• The appropriate local licences in place to purchase , possess , develop , supply , produce and manufacture the relevant controlled substances
• Specialist production capability and team expertise for handling and processing controlled substances , with robust systems in place for the security , manufacturing and handling of controlled drugs that adhere to local legislation , such as the UK ’ s Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 or the Israeli Regulation for Dangerous Drugs 1979
• Secure facilities to safeguard controlled substances while in storage
• Strong relationships with local government departments so that they can respond to changing legislation quickly and effectively
Time to explore ?
Controlled substances offer an exciting new avenue for drug innovation and development , so it is no surprise that the market is expected to grow and thrive over the coming decade . If drug developers want to take advantage of this new opportunity for growth , however , they need to be sure they understand the local and global regulatory environment they are operating in , as well as the infrastructure needed for compliance . With expert CDMO support , they can be confident that they have the systems and processes in place to meet regulatory requirements , and to ensure that their projects can be developed and commercialised successfully . •
Fluorinated Monomers Fluoro-Alcohols Fluoro-Olefins
Fluorinated Building Blocks
Fluorine Technology
Custom Synthesis Fluorination Agents Difluoro Compounds
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Gianluca Franguelli
RECIPHARM gianluca . franguelli @ recipharm . com www . recipharm . com
Reference :
1 : https :// healthcaremarketreserch . wordpress . com / 2020 / 06 / 15 / controlled-substance-market-to-witnessexponential-growth-by-2027 /
Milan , Italy Nov . 9-11 , 2021
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