Speciality Chemicals Magazine MAR / APR 2022 | Page 39

is a complex biofilm consisting of protein , carbohydrates , phosphates and microorganisms . Plaque formation predisposes to dental caries and periodontal diseases . 20 Thus , its removal is important for maintaining periodontal and oral health . We determined the role of AHE in improving oral hygiene by reducing plaque intensity . Plaque can be visualised and assessed using Mira-2-Ton plaque staining tablets from Hager & Werken . The plaque index was determined
Figure 6 - Plaque reduction T0 ( a ) & T28 ( b ) after staining and flushing with water . The inner and outer area of every tooth was analysed for plaque intensity . The plaque index of the 20 subjects was reduced by a mean of 75 % ( Figure 6 ), showing that AHE improves oral hygiene . The degree of inflammation of the gingiva was assessed by determining the gingiva index , the intensity of bleeding at the gingival margin following probing . This was determined on the inner as well as outer area of every tooth . In the mean ,
Figure 7 - Reduction of mean gingiva index by AHE the gingiva index of the 20 subjects , was reduced by 77 % ( Figure 7 ).
Dental and oral health is an essential part of overall health and well-being . An imbalance in oral microbial community can cause inflammatory lesions of the tooth-supporting soft tissues and poor oral hygiene , such as halitosis . Our investigation found that AHE enhances the oral epithelial barrier , prevents gingivitis , and enables wound healing and tissue regeneration after minor injuries to the oral mucosa . It also prevents cell senescence which promotes healthy gums thanks to the maintenance of cell proliferation and self-renewal . At clinical level , AHE showed excellent improvement in oral hygiene by reducing tooth shade , dental plaque and halitosis . Moreover , no relevant skin , gingiva or mucosa reactions suggestive of irritation or allergy was detected . AHE was therefore very well tolerated . Thanks to its multiple actions and biological properties , demonstrated above , AHE is highly beneficial to oral health . •
Stefan Fellner
PREMIUM ORGANIC k + 43 676 9770610 J stefan . fellner @ premium-organic . com j www . premium-organic . com
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