Speciality Chemicals Magazine MAR / APR 2022 | Page 40

Amy Poulton , sales development specialist for beauty care at Croda , breaks down some of the many myths surrounding mineral sun care *

Myth busting :

Mineral sun care

Amy Poulton , sales development specialist for beauty care at Croda , breaks down some of the many myths surrounding mineral sun care *

There are many myths surrounding sunscreens and UV filters , particularly mineral filters , and it can be hard to know what the truth is . The rise of social media means that consumers are increasingly being presented information as if it were fact from noncredible sources . We also see common misconceptions spread within our industry , causing further confusion . Croda has gathered together its solar experts to debunk some of the biggest sunscreen and UV filter myths .

Relative size
Consumers see the word ‘ nano ’ and assume that ‘ nano ’ UV filters are the smallest type of UV filter in sun care products . However , in the world of UV filters ‘ nano ’ -titanium dioxide ( TiO 2
) and ‘ nano ’ -zinc oxide ( ZnO ) are comparatively large . Whilst most chemical sunscreens have a typical molecular weight of less than 300 Daltons 1 , correlating to a size of less than 1nm , mineral filters , even ‘ nano ’ versions are typically around