within and outside Asia . At the same time , we continuously assess potential risks in our raw material supply chain , manufacturing and the transportation of manufactured products , and put mitigating actions in place as required .
Centrient manufacturing site using ‘ green ’ enxymatic production technology
Industry Alliance , a private-sector coalition of more than 100 companies , we are working to improve awareness and understanding around AMR in developing regions . Via the Sustainability Through the Excellence in Manufacturing ( STEM ) programme , Centrient hosts expert workshops on safe and responsible antibiotics production in partnership with the Indian Institute of Technology . We have also launched the ‘ Appropriate Use in China ’ campaign to help spread best practice in what is emerging as a key AMR battleground .
Supply chains ’ role
In addition to responsible production practices , a robust pharmaceutical supply chain is essential in mitigating the impact of climate change and AMR . While the accessibility of lifesaving medicines has much improved in recent decades , the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the continued vulnerability of global pharmaceutical supply chains to shocks .
The combination of heightened demand and restrictions on manufacturing and trade at the peak of the crisis significantly reduced accessibility , as some countries were forced to introduce restrictions on sales of antibiotics and other medicines . One issue to address is the growing consolidation of generic antibiotic manufacturing in recent years , which has seen production increasingly concentrated among fewer companies and in fewer regions , including China and India . Vital medicines and ingredients have to travel further to reach customers and patients , meaning not only a risk of reduced security of supply but also increased environmental footprints . Against this backdrop , sustainable production has become a criterion for the procurement of pharmaceuticals in front-running countries like Sweden . Centrient has taken action to support sustainable supply chains . With a global network of manufacturing sites , we produce our antibiotic APIs both
Thinking big picture
One of the biggest obstacles to a sustainable and responsible pharmaceutical sector is shorttermism . As producers , we need to think beyond short-term profitability and cost-cutting , and take decisions in the best interest of patients and society at large . As a first step , this means looking inwards and making changes to our way of working . And we may not like what we see : the McMaster study concluded that , by 2025 , the pharmaceutical industry as a whole must reduce its emissions intensity by about 59 % from 2015 levels to meet the targets set by the Paris Agreement . The wider pharma value chain also has to play its part . Buyers have a duty to follow responsible procurement practices to ensure consistent supply and reduce global footprints . Healthcare professionals and patients need to administer and use products responsibly , and governments worldwide need to remain vigilant and enforce regulation . We see cause for optimism . More and more , pharmaceutical companies and other value chain partners are working together and sharing insights that can help drive positive change . After the successes of recent decades , the next five to ten years may well prove to be the most important period in the history of modern healthcare . We face a major challenge , but together , it is a challenge we can overcome . •
Alice Beijersbergen