Strength in numbers
By adopting transparent working practices and the sharing of insights and technology , pharmaceutical producers can work together to combat climate change at an industrywide level . Indeed , Centrient ’ s enzymatic production methods have now become the industry standard for sustainable antibiotics and statins around the world .
Similarly , preventing AMR will require companies to be vigilant about their own practices and those of others . As a major provider of beta-lactam antibiotics , Centrient aims to lead by example on this growing global health issue . In 2016 , we began the continuous , yearround cleaning and monitoring of antimicrobial activities in wastewater at our sites . We have also recently introduced a new , highly sensitive test for measuring antibiotic activity in our effluent . In 2019 , we reported that Centrient ’ s range of semi-synthetic penicillin ( SSP ) APIs met the predicted no-effect concentration ( PNEC ) discharge targets set by the AMR Industry Alliance , becoming one of the first in our industry to do so . 97 % of our SSP finished-dosage formulation products are also PNEC-compliant . Whilst individual target-setting is important , companies must work together to raise standards across the board . As a member of the AMR