Special Miracles June 2014 | Page 19


Maximus is 6 years old and has Mosaic Down syndrome and Apraxia. He loves Pizza, watching Madagascar 3 and swimming. My advice to new parents of children with Down syndrome is to not treat your child any different than a typical child. They might take a little longer to get to that typical behavior but they will achieve it.

Think of your child as a present that just takes a little longer to unwrap and remember that your child chose you so you better do what ever it takes to make him/her thrive in this great big world.

- Carrie Marone



Alyvia is almost 3 years old and she loves playing out doors and coloring. My advice to new parents is to be open-minded, and never under estimate the ability of your child!

Having this little girl in my life has been life changing and I wouldn't trade it for the world. It may sound scary at first but it is so rewarding in the end! - Erin Bergie


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