ries and does the interviews of the best of the best working professionals in magic . While HOTEL MAGIC LLC and Paul think we know who is out there and who could qualify we are amazed at the people who are truly great and experienced but who are simply not on our radar yet ,” said Jonathan .
Parlor magic is turn of the century , the late 1800s where you had a parlor in a house . The point of the parlor was to gather people in the mid to wealthy neighborhoods and have a Soiree : A Fancy Evening Party . At the height of these evenings the magician would be the most exciting part of the evening .
Parlor is the perfect setting for hotels , and it doesn ’ t take up much space in the hotel . Once the banquet rooms start opening up the hotels will need those , so a stage show wouldn ’ t be around long . With this style of smaller show the hotels realize that this concept is so rich to them they will still carry the show even though the hotel might be booked , post COVID . The Magical Mystery Show ! already generates more than 5 times the average return of the same space to a hotel so once it is rolling , it isn ’ t going to be easy to give up that revenue at a particular hotel .
The Victorian style parlor setting .