The Team
Katy Jones § Karen Stewart
newsletter.clap[email protected]
Advertising manager
Kathryn Hudson
Cover photo generously provided by Valentina, Photograface
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Dr. Charlotte Massey
Nikki Mather
Sanjima DeZoysa
Evelini Quarrell
Rose Dyer
Editor's Letter
Whether you have a new-born baby, teenagers, or children who have left home, we all need friends. We need them to share good times, and to help us through the bad.
One of the things we both very quickly discovered after having our babies was that we needed our family and friends more than ever. We relied a lot on old friends whose twilight text messages got us through the difficult first few weeks, and the company of those who came bearing tea and cake when we were so tired we couldn’t leave the sofa. Both of us agreed that our friends have been endlessly supportive and sympathetic, and we are eternally grateful for their kindness.
But parenthood has also been an excellent time for meeting new people. From those we've met at baby groups, to those who we have met while doing a heavily-pregnant doggy paddle at the pool, and of course our respective NCT groups, our circles of friends seem to be always growing. Exchanging photographs, horror stories, and details of baby-friendly cafés has been a lifesaver, and having a network of people to call on has meant that we have rarely felt alone.
On a serious note, this issue covers the importance of friendship in the context of post-natal depression. One of the articles cites that having friends to help you through difficult times really aids recovery (although if you are worried about PND, please talk to your GP).
As summer now approaches, there are lots of ways to enjoy spending time with your children. Katy's NCT group are discussing a picnic to Kew in the summer, to bask in the warm sunshine with our (factor 50-slathered) charges. So now that it’s warming up, it’s time to get outside in Battersea Park, Vauxhall Farm, or one of the Commons. Call a friend – old or new – and have some fun.
Katy & Karen xx
Dee Lanning
Jenny Hemsley
Emma Hammett
Valentina Rebeschini
Philippa Jones