Special Delivery Spring 2015 | Page 21

Fathers can find it difficult to build a connection with their unborn child before it arrives and is in their arms. In HypnoBirthing classes we ask partners to visualise caring and supporting the mother every step of the way and then holding their new born and gazing into its eyes. This helps to bridge the gap between being an independent person to becoming a new family. It is so important to imagine a baby inside the mother rather than just a blob! We can do this by keeping pregnancy diaries, taking photos of the growing bump, playing games, music or even just talking to the baby, because they can hear and often respond from a very young age. The more excited you are about meeting that baby the more you can visualise the baby working its way down through labour and this takes an element of the fear away.

If a birthing partner/father has been part of the birth preparation they are much more likely to be in connection with mother and baby during labour. They understand what is happening with the birthing muscles and they can see how they can have a very active role. Through massage and any kind of touch the partner can boost endorphin production, endorphins block the catecholomine production and make you feel great. That same kind of feeling that we all get from exercising. Endorphins can be many more times more powerful than morphine when we tap into them correctly. Oxytocin production in labour is also amazing as it works as acclerator can be produced through kissing and nipple stimulation.

They most effective way to have a good birth experience is to get your partner involved. HypnoBirthing empowers birthing partners to offer comfort, love, support and greater confidence and what better way to welcome your baby into the world.

Hannah Hatherell

Natural Hypnotherapy



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