Special Delivery Spring 2015 | Page 11

Your Local NCT

Activities and events

Spring NCT Nearly New Sale

Our spring NCT Nearly New Sale took place at Broomwood Methodist Church on Saturday 28 February and raised just over £1,500 - not bad for a mornings work!

All 20 seller tables were taken and we had over 80 items of large equipment on sale and we saw over 300 people come through the door, many leaving with bags full of great bargains on baby clothes, toys, books and equipment. We are very grateful to the Northcote Road branch of Hamptons International for their continued support of our Nearly New Sale; not only do they pay for and provide advertising boards which give the sale a great local profile, but they also send along a few people to help our sellers unload their cars at the beginning of the sale.

If you are interested in selling at a future sale or are willing to have an advertising board outside your property for a couple of weeks before the sale, please contact Natalie on [email protected].

Remaining sales for 2015: 20 June, 26 September

Easter Egg Hunt

On Wednesday 25 March branch volunteers Jenny, Emma, Anna, Naomi & Karen briefly took over the bandstand and dog-free area of Clapham Common and hosted an Easter Egg hunt for 45 children and their families. There were simple craft activities, a scavenger hunt for decorated card eggs and also a traditional hunt for chocolate eggs as well as a raffle and some delicious homemade cakes. The weather was kind to us (if a bit cold) and most importantly the kids seemed to have a great time (possibly fuelled by quite a lot of chocolate). We also raised £100, which was an added and unexpected bonus!