Speak Out News - July - Sep 2014 July-Sep 2014 | Page 2
Welcome to Speak Out News
Welcome to Speak Out News!
We have some good and sad news to tell you.
Our colleague Ian Clements has left Speak
Out. He ran the Peer Information Project for
the last three years... but this project has
come to an end. So we wish Ian well & hope
to see him helping Speak Out in the future.
We also have to tell you that Management
Committee member Liz Bruce has decided to
stand down. She is very busy with lots of
different things. We wish her well and thank
her for her service to SOH Management.
In more cheerful news... we are pleased to tell
you we have been awarded just under
£10,000 from the National Lottery! We are
really excited as the money will be used to
help people in the East of our Borough to get
involved in our SOH Projects.
We are also pleased to tell you we have been
awarded a PQASSO award. This is awarded to
charities who provide a high quality service.
So we are really proud to have this.
Finally... We have had great success with our
Art and Crafts and Weigh2lose groups. We
are hoping to continue these in the coming
months. With the lovely sunny weather, we
have lots of outdoor outings for you to come
along to including picnics, walks, festivals &
seaside visits. So do get involved.
Have a lovely Summer!
Nick Benjamin & Sally Malit
Speak Out Co-Directors